What are the funding options for hearing aids in NZ?

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What are the funding options for hearing aids in NZ?

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  • Hearing aids often come with a hefty price tag, making funding crucial for accessibility. 
  • New Zealand has a few primary options available for hearing aid funding. In addition, there are alternative funding avenues that can be beneficial to people with specific circumstances.
  • It’s essential to recognise that eligibility for funding doesn't guarantee zero expenses.
  • Children have comprehensive coverage in New Zealand, while adults tend to obtain financial support with partial coverage.
  • Our audiologists are here to help! Feel free to enquire online or speak with our team via 0800 737 662 for support with securing hearing aid funding.
  • Or read on in our Ultimate Guide to Hearing Aids.

Understanding hearing aid costs

Hearing aids are notoriously expensive in New Zealand, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per device. The cost all comes down to the level of technology, design type, and which additional features are required.

Unfortunately, most people with hearing loss require hearing aids at the upper end of the price bracket. This financial barrier is one of the biggest challenges in the industry, and it’s also a big part of why we created our Unlimited hearing aids offering — a subscription-based service that makes these complex devices much more affordable.

If I’m eligible for funding, will I have to pay anything?

Eligibility doesn't always mean zero expenses. Depending on the funding scheme, partial costs or additional fees might still be required. We recommend you consult your local audiologist for more information on what funding you’re entitled to.

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Primary funding options

Three main funding options are available to New Zealanders; one is provided through The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), while the Ministry of Health offers the other two. Although these options are unlikely to cover all of your costs, they can significantly contribute to your hearing care needs.

01. The NZ Hearing Aid Subsidy 

Funded by New Zealand’s Ministry of Health, the Hearing Aid Subsidy gives adults $511.11 (including GST) per device, once every six years. So, if you require two hearing aids instead of one, you would be granted $1,022.22 via the subsidy.

All financial support claimed through the subsidy contributes directly to the cost of hearing aids; the scheme does not cover additional costs for hearing assessments, fitting, or other audiology services you might require.

Every Resonate studio across New Zealand can support you in obtaining the NZ Hearing Aid Subsidy if you’re eligible. Simply enquire online or get in touch via 0800 737 662 to chat with our team today!

Am I eligible for the New Zealand Hearing Aid Subsidy?

To qualify, you must be:

  • A permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand
  • An adult over the age of 16 
  • Experiencing hearing loss 
  • Requiring a hearing aid

Important details:

If you’re eligible for support through the Hearing Aid Funding Scheme, ACC, or Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand, you cannot get additional funding from the Ministry of Health’s Hearing Aid Subsidy.

02. ACC hearing aid funding

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) extends its support to adults experiencing hearing loss due to an accident or from working in a noisy environment.

For those who qualify, ACC may cover a portion of your hearing aids. The amount of funding provided depends mostly on the cause and degree of your hearing loss, along with how much of your hearing loss is due to the injury.

While you'll be hard-pressed to find free hearing aids in NZ, Resonate proudly offers fully-funded hearing aids through our ACC option, while also providing the best technology. Although some companies will offer this solution, they don’t always supply the best tech — this is something we take care of to ensure you get premium hearing care.

You can visit any of our studios across New Zealand to be assessed for funding eligibility. If you’re successful, you’ll have two options available through Resonate: you can either use the funding to purchase your devices with no extra charge or join our Unlimited subscription service for $49 per month. Those who choose Unlimited also receive hearing aid upgrades every three years!

Am I eligible for ACC funding?

To qualify, you must be:

  • Experiencing hearing loss, with more than 5% due to an accident, or
  • Experiencing hearing loss, with more than 5% due to working in a noisy environment for at least 10 years in New Zealand
  • Requiring a hearing aid

How eligibility assessing works with Resonate: 

  • Firstly, it’s good to know that Resonate can provide your hearing aids while you’re going through the process with ACC — this can be very helpful as approval often takes a bit of time
  • For ACC funding, a full diagnostic hearing test is needed to confirm your eligibility
  • The hearing test is followed by an application, completed by your Resonate studio 
  • You’ll then need to arrange an ENT appointment; if you’re approved for funding, you’ll later receive a letter of confirmation 

03. The Hearing Aid Funding Scheme

The Ministry of Health’s Hearing Aid Funding Scheme supports children and adults, offering comprehensive financial coverage for obtaining hearing aids. Funding covers the entire price of the device but does not provide additional support for other related services or products.

Eligible adults can access this support once every six years, while children can access the scheme up to three times in the same period. If you don’t qualify, we recommend speaking with your audiologist about whether you’re eligible for ACC funding or the NZ Hearing Aid Subsidy.

Every Resonate studio across New Zealand provides assessment for the Hearing Aid Funding Scheme. If you’re interested in your eligibility, get in touch to organise an appointment today!

Am I eligible for the New Zealand Hearing Aid Funding Scheme?

For adults to qualify, you must:

  • Be a permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand
  • Have experienced significant hearing loss from childhood, or
  • Have hearing loss and a visual impairment, or
  • Have hearing loss and an intellectual or physical disability, or
  • Have a Community Services Card and are:
    - in paid employment for 30 hours per week or more; or
    - a registered job seeker looking for paid employment; or
    - doing voluntary work (more than 20 hours per week); or
    - studying full-time; or
    - caring for a dependent person full-time

Important details:

If you’re eligible for support through ACC or Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand, you cannot get additional funding from the Ministry of Health’s Hearing Aid Funding Scheme.

04. Alternative funding options

While primary funding avenues like ACC and the Ministry of Health offer substantial relief, additional options exist for those seeking financial support:

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Funding options for children

Fortunately, children in New Zealand have access to a great deal of hearing care support provided by various organisations looking out for our tamariki.

For those seeking hearing aid funding, support is available to children nationwide thanks to Whaikaha — Ministry of Disabled People. This organisation offers funding to preschoolers, children at school, and young adults in full-time education and up to 21 years of age.

When it comes to hearing aid fitting services, children can typically receive this support for free via Public Hospital Services. However, there’s also the option to go private through audiology clinics, but this option will likely require payment.

As for maintenance and repairs, this support is also free of charge, funded by Ko Taku Reo  — Deaf Education New Zealand. This organisation provides help with replacing device batteries, repairing equipment, and other related maintenance services. 

If you need support with your child’s hearing needs, Resonate is here to help. We understand that obtaining funding can be a complex process, which is why we strive to make it as simple as possible for you and your family. Feel free to enquire online or get in touch via 0800 737 662 for support with securing hearing aid funding for children.

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Our audiologists are here to help!

We’re committed to ensuring your journey to optimal hearing health receives as much support as possible. From assessing funding eligibility to fitting a new pair of hearing aids, our team is here to help. Get in touch with your local Resonate studio to begin exploring funding options today.

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